
  The ABC of Awareness, Being and Consciousness How do you know you exist? How do you know of any self or ‘I’? Only through an awareness of it. So how then, can this awareness be identified with that self, or reduced to a property of it?   How do you know that anything is or exists? Only through an awareness of it. So how then, can awareness be identified with any thing (for example the human brain) or reduced to a mere product of it?   The Awareness Principle (1)  Awareness as such cannot, in principle , be reduced to the private property or product of anything that there is a prior awareness of - any subject or object, self or world, ego or ‘I’, being, brain or body, experience or phenomenon - since we only know of any of these things through the prior or ‘a priori’  awareness of them. Awareness as such is both inseparable and distinct from anything experienced within it - anything there is an awareness of.   The Awareness Principle (2)...